Welcome to The Mystical Unicorns Guestbook

Thank you for visiting our pages.
We would love it if you would Add to this cheer book we are keeping!
Just stopped by to do a dusting. Please excuse the mess. I'm still very new at this.
Don't forget to SHOUT IT OUT at the site fights.
Fairy "KISS Of SunShine"

The Fairy "KISS Of SunShine" <tammyvoyager@excite.com>
South Carolina, USA -
Don't forget to Shout It Out at the sitefights.

Tammy Swails <tammyvoyager@excite.com>
South Carolina, USA -
I voted for you in the site fights. Good luck and you have a great page
Joanie <joanie7@webtv.net>
Hi, I'm visiting your site to help me with research on unicorns. I have to do a 2 to 3 minute speech in front of my class. I am in grade 3 and I have liked unicorns since I was born. I collect unicorn statues and my favourite movie is The Last Unicorn. Thanks for the cool information. I really like your purple unicorn pictures. Purple is my favourite colour.

Take care, Caleigh Morren

caleigh morren <morrenski@aol.com>
Ontario, Canada -
nice site. Good luck in the Site fights . I am in it as well. God Bless and Guide you through life.
Rebecca Cox <rcox70@swbell.net>
Tx, USA -
Keep going strong Enigma
Lady GreenWaif <greenwaif@geocities.com>
Texas, United States -
I love your page
over 2 Hr on it
and will be back
love your backgrounds.

Howard G <howard@int-usa.net>
Maine, USA -
I'd like to join! Hope you like my site.

One of the many pics on my site.

Ruby Running Waters <lighttrot@hotmail.com>
GA, U.S.A -

Hello Unicorns,

Congrats on having such a wonderful team. You
have much to be proud of.

I'm batting over at the Site Fights. Stop by my site and if you like what you see... maybe you'll
decide to ride into battle with me.

Together WE can do ANYTHING!

I'm passing my spirit stick to you,
HeyYouSir :)

HeyYouSir <HeyYouSir@wavefront.com>
Minnesota, USA -
This is a very neat set up**smiles** I am impressed!

Adelava Makkonridge-Redding <katpetal@hotmail.com>
Virginia, USA -
I *love* Unicorns and have collected anything with their likeness for, ummm, many, many years. :)

Jill R.C. Moore <jillanddan@webtv.net>
New York, U.S. -
I absolutetly love the sight! The unicorns for adoption are adorable!
Julie Reiha <Julie41597@aol.com>
Michigan, USA -
This is a really cool and fun
site dont you think!

Britany <spice4bp@hotmail.com>
NewZealand -
Great page Kristen!

Tess Thortum <tessrox@hotmail.com>
Ontario, Canada -
I love this page.
Frances <Fyroux@ges.sd23.bc.ca>
Canada -
I am a unicorn fanatic and I've loved unicorns
ever since I was a little girl,and always will and I'm learning how to use my computer so I don't
know how to just get pictures on my screen so would some one please write me some information on
how to get just unicorns also,I'd like to know how
to put unicorns onto my links.I also, have a learning disability as well and it's hard for me to do thing's without help from some one.I'd really appriate it very much and be so Thankful to whom ever would do that for me above is my e-mail address for you.Thank you for taking the time to read this short but long letter and have a very Happy Easter and a good day and don't work to hard!

Charlene Boyd <princessbaby_99@yahoo.com>
Jerome,Idaho, US -
I am really enjoying this site. I can't wait to get my site set up so I can add your link in.
Valerie P. Brown <Troyias1@att.net>
Canada -
Ilove your site you should make alot more like it ... I will tell all my friends about this site Your BIGGEST FAN KKKKKKKKKKKKE
OHIO, Canada -
This site rocks! It has the coolest unicorn pictures ever!
Toledo Ohio, United States -
I love your site!! It's very peaceful and inviting.

Rachel Anderson <firefly09@hotmail.com>
Houma, Louisiana US -
Beautiful stuff I've taken a couple of sets I don't know when I will use them but I will make a link back
Shirley Scott <shisco@accglobal.net>
Ontario, Canada -
Hi! I have always loved unicorns.. sort of my one
BIG weakness.. and now I am a Mystical Unicorn! This
is wonderful!! Thank you for the chance to meet some
truly wonderful people and visit some beautifully done

Divanta <divanta@yahoo.com>
Colorado, USA -
I have always been fascinated by unicorns and I'm setting up a gif page ofnothing but unicorns and Pegasus ans I'm really interested in linking to this site

Jerry <maola-man@webtv.net>
Va, U.S.A -
Hello Jackie, I made it!!!! You have made a lot
of changes since I was first here. It really
looks great. I wish there were really
Unicorns and Pegasus's. I love them. Best Wishes
from, One Missouri Country Girl

Mary (alias Amethyst) <mjp54@excite.com>
Kansas, USA -
I sure do love them unicorns.. I am in the Brawling

Virginia <funreader@earthlink.net>
Hi..I just love your page..I'm in the Mystical Unicorns Web Brawl..But, I wanted to tell you that I adopted a Unicorn..I could not email you from your sever..The Unicorn is at:
LOVE and HUGS Enigma Mystic

Enigma Mystic <emystic1@yahoo.com>
California, U.S.A. -