Welcome to The Mystical Unicorns Guestbook

Thank you for visiting our pages.
We would love it if you would Add to this cheer book we are keeping!
I wish everyone GOOD LUCK!! You all have wonderful sites!


Karen Lyster <zblue@ihug.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand -
Hi. This is a neat site.
Donna van Schaik <starfyre@ecis.com>
Pittsburg, California, USA -
Hello there, what a wonderful web site. I love unicorns and mystical things (wizards, dragons etc). I would love to join your web ring. Visit my page some day!!! BYE
Bongo <micknkim@microtech.com.au>
Tasmania, Australia -
Great site! Loved it..

Debbie <music58@essex1.com>

I really like the music when you first come in and the background. I am totally fasintaded by unicorns and I love your website!
Elissa <elissa9083@aol.com>
NJ, United States -
Beutiful site,I love it

Debbie <music58@essex1.com>
Illinois, USA -

I loved the pictures and the music. I think I will be coming back everyday just to hear that song.

Tiffany H. <nsync_tiff@yahoo.com>
Saskatchewan, Canada -
Beautiful pictures and lovely music. I found that my trip here is the best I have evre been to.

Tiffany H. <nsync_tiff@yahoo.com>
Saskatchewan, Canada -
your page is lovley kept up the good work
jenny leayr (aka)storm <leayrj@mpx.com.au>
australia -
i love unicorns
Ashley <ashangel@netscape.net>
Calafornia -
Lovely backgrounds. I've used your unicorn background #25 on one of my pages with a link back to your site. The page is at http://www.internations.net/us/fantasyrealm/dream.htm.
Cassandra <shelbypatrick@prodigy.net>
Rainbow, Realm -
This is a very nice place. I am a unicorn fan.
Kathy <RabbiKat@aol.com>
Fl, USA -
How do you connect this there banner thingie I'm confused?
pixie !?*FRED*?! <tobeth13@hotmail.com>
Mi., USA -
Like the website!

Shanna Pack <spack@tucomm.net>
This is a beautiful site I love unicorns and what they represent. I am very impressed by this site. I will be back often to visit.Thanks for the work you have put in to this,I enjoy it a lot.
Paulette <Misty62722@aol.com>
Elkhart Indiana, USA -
You have done a truly wonderous thing by having this site for people to brcome more informed.
Thank you so much.
Heidi Taylor

Heidi Taylor <HTaylor@nhbakersfield.com>
California, America -

Thanks for you visit the other day, I tried to leave a message before but didnt seem to work so I am trying a smaller message with less graphics!

Some faery dust for you too!
Faery Sherry :)

Sherry <lafaerie@hotmail.com>
La Faerie Enchanted Forest, Faery Meadows -

Good luck and please keep in touch, and God Bless you and yours.
Claude O. Roberts <claudero.com@worldnet.att.net>
Louisiana, USA -
Hi there,I just love your page.It is really great,there is so much I still need to go look at,so Im off.I just wanted to say hi,Love And Hug's Sherre

Sherre <sherres_@yahoo.com>
Louisville,Kentucky, USA -
I just love this site, I think I could live here.
I would like to join but, my site is barely up and going. I've adopted some unicorns, I'll be back, ALOT!

Joddie Herald <purplesun29@bigfoot.com>
South Dakota, USA -
Hi..enjoy watching your imaginations run wild on the unicorn webring.. -:) Better luck here seeing them then down by Lake Ontario!
lowkeyguy <pfokes@msn.com>
ON, Canada -
very well done *WS*WHOS YOUR DADDY <victorr@mnsi.net>
Ontario, Canada -
unicorns,horses,dragons, and tigers are my favorite
animals I love your art and i wish i could be an
artist some day.

Horse girl <Lfennell@mail.gcccd.cc.ca.us>
el cajon, californa -
I love your pictures there lovlyDebrah Fennell <na>
Califonia El Cajon, Canada -
Fabulous! I love it here!
Dale Corban <Icarus7001@hobot.com>
I love the site, altho Im not full understanding anything about the battle or games,LOL. I think all the sites are great, but only one can be the best, congratulations.
SaltwaterCowboy <quickb@hroads.net>
VA, United States -
ufowatcher <sjones@compassnet.com>
Paranormal and the Unexplained, Houston -